Yin yang good and bad

Is Yang Good and Yin Bad?

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It’s all about yin-yang balance Is yang good and yin bad? It seems so.  Yin represents femininity, darkness, passivity, coldness, and introspection. On the other hand, yang embodies masculinity, brightness, activity, warmth, and extroversion. Look at the surface, yin is negative, and yang is positive. So yang must be better than yin.  Contrary to what…
burden of life

Let Go of Excess Baggage in Life

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How do I let go and enjoy life more? While you may dismiss an additional pound of baggage as insignificant, airlines view it differently. It can exert undue pressure on a plane, endangering the lives of its passengers, increasing fuel consumption, and potentially delaying the flight. In extreme cases, it can even lead to a…
Tao explained

5 Reasons Why Tao is Hard to Explain

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What does “the Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao” mean? One of the most commonly asked questions regarding the Tao Te Ching revolves around the concept of the Tao itself. Indeed, it is a very difficult question to formidable challenge. Even Lao Tzu, the author of the Tao Te Ching, struggles…
Yin yang Tao Te Ching

Where are Yin Yang mentioned in Tao Te Ching?

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The Book of Yin and Yang Although many people regard the Tao Te Ching of Lao Tzu as “The book  of yin and yang”, there is only one chapter in the ancient book that explicitly mentions the terms “Yin” and “Yang.”  This reference can be found in chapter 42, where Lao Tzu states: “All things…
yin-yang balance

Stress & Yin Yang Balance

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What happens when yin and yang are out of balance When you’re in a yin-yang balance, things are in harmony. What you want is what you get. There is an equilibrium between the yin and yang forces, and you enjoy peace of mind.  Unfortunately, the state of balance is difficult to sustain. There are too…