yin-yang balance

What happens when yin and yang are out of balance

When you’re in a yin-yang balance, things are in harmony. What you want is what you get. There is an equilibrium between the yin and yang forces, and you enjoy peace of mind.  Unfortunately, the state of balance is difficult to sustain.

There are too many things that can disrupt it. When you are happy at work, your boss suddenly demands another report. The balance of your yang energy of effort suppresses your yin energy of ease, leading to an imbalance. If you can’t adjust quickly enough, the imbalance can result in stress and anxiety. 

Similarly, when you’re engrossed in your dinner, your baby cries for attention in her crib. The yang energy of cries of the cry disrupts your yin energy of focus. Again, the loss of balance results in stress. Your composure is lost, and negative emotions take hold. It leads to emotions like irritability, tension, agitation, and restlessness.  

Very often, loss of yin-yang balance arises from a mismatch between expectations and abilities, resulting in symptoms of stress and causing feelings of being overwhelmed and out of control.

How can you regain balance and alleviate the stress that afflicts you?

Yin-Yang Balance and Acceptance

The first and foremost is not to resist the fact that you have lost your balance. Recognizing reality reduces your expectations, preventing them from outweighing your abilities. This act of acceptance is crucial for restoring the yin-yang balance. Picture a balance scale, with one side representing your expectations and the other denoting your ability to perform. This action restores balance within you.

Upon regaining balance, your emotions stabilize once again.

While it impacts what we do – sometimes seriously – the yin-yang imbalance often eludes our awareness. Hence, it is essential to cultivate awareness and bring back the balance. It requires time, patience, and practice. But the effort is undoubtedly worthwhile.

In addition to doing the “yin-yang health check” regularly, allocate a moment of tranquility each day to “empty” your mind. Engaging in activities such as listening to relaxing music or practicing meditation can help you uphold a yin-yang balance. Regularly engaging in such practices enhances your resilience and facilitates a quicker recovery when stress arises.

“Be totally empty,
embrace the tranquility of peace.
Watch the workings of all creation,
observe how endings become beginnings.”

All creatures in the universe
return to the point where they began.
Returning to the source is tranquility
meaning submitting to what is and what is to be.”

Tao Te Ching quotes, Verse 16

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