The declutting method that can change your life

tao of being tidy

To get more from life, own less.

This is what Lao Tzu has taught us, and one area of application is decluttering the space you live in.

If there are clutters in your house, just imagine if you could get rid of them!  Not only does it allow you to enjoy more of the space in your house, it also help you to take back the precious hours and minutes you would have spent on retrieving stuff from the web of complexity the clutters create!

Tidying up brings you a step closer to simplicity of life.  When things are organised, so is you mind.

How do you get started?  It sounds easy.  But the effort is often aborted because of the dilemma one faces in the process of elimination.  Should it be the pair of shoes or the old suitcase to be cast away?  Both are nice and have sentimental value!

In addressing these concerns, try the decluttering method Known as Kondo’s. 

It asks the over-arching question: “Does your stuff spark joy?”  

“If it does, keep it,” Marie Kondo the Japanese cleaning consultant writes. “If not, dispose of it.”

The method is life-changing and has made the book Kondo wrote — The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up — become the #1 New York Times best-selling guide to decluttering your home.

Among her fans is Meena Hart Duerson, and let’s see what she has to say … 

To read more on Meena Hart Duerson’s testing of the method, read further ……

Or if you are thinking of getting the book, follow the link below.

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing

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