See black in white and white in black. Existence is a paradox.
Although Tao is about clear mind, it is not in the sense of seeing black as black and white as white.
Rather, it is about seeing not only black as black and white as white, but also black in white and white in black.
Observation of Tao allows you to pierce through layers of noises and distractions to reach the heart of matters, so that you get closer to the realities. The realities, however, go beyond absolutes. Just like colors, there exist gradation of hue.
So when you are relishing a strike of luck, do not take things for grant. When you are upset, do not plunge into distress. When there is a failure, see if it is a seed of success. If you are rejected, see if there is opportunity hidden in the refusal.
Accept contradiction in life! This is Tao.
If there is no day, there is no night. If no one is tall, no one is short. If there is no honor, there is no evil. Instead of expecting things to be in your favor always, see life as in a state of flux. Learn to strike a balance like sailing over wave after wave.
See black in white and white in black. Existence is a paradox.
You see a balance in yin and yang.
Know the white, yet keep to the black: Be the pattern of the world. Be the pattern of the world, the virtue in you will endure and return again to the infinity.
Lao Tze
Tao Te Ching quotes – 28
Thanks wink for the picture.
With this knowledge, one can find contentment : )