In order to hold on to the apple, you must first open up you palm.
Let go, so that you can grasp.
“If you want to take something,
you must first allow it to be given.”Lao Tzu 36
In order to hold on to the apple, you must first open up you palm.
Let go, so that you can grasp.
“If you want to take something,
you must first allow it to be given.”Lao Tzu 36
Soon Teo is fascinated about the power of Tao and wants to share. In addition to writing about Tao and how it can be used to improve one's quality of life, he is also a practitioner of tai chi, qigong and meditation.
If you want to be free and powerful, learn to be water. Although soft and yielding, water can wear away the hardest rock in the world. Water is powerful because it does not resist. When there is no resistance, there is no draining of energy on frustration, depression or fierce fighting for the defense of…
It is an unfair fight but surprisingly the old man turns the tables around It is a precarious situation. A powerful swordsman, who has killed many people, is coming back the next day to pick up a duel with the old, gentle tea master. It is going to be an unfair fight. The old man,…
Story of Tao that sets your mind thinking: Old Man & His Horse An old man, who lives on the northern frontier of China, is capable of interpreting events. One day, for no reason he loses his horse. It runs away to the nomads across the border. His neighbors come round to comfort him. Yet…
Although Tao cannot be described, a definition however vague is going to be helpful if you want to engage Tao as a way of life. Tao is pronounced as ‘dao’, and written in Chinese as 道, and means literally “the path” or “the way.” It is what Taoism is all about, but the concept is…
A simple way to tell whether you are the true boss is to ask yourself, “Do I have to tell my people that I’m the boss?” It is not difficult to be a boss in title. So long as you’re willing to pay for people to work for you, or be bestowed a position of…
Now is the only sphere of life that you can live. Not the past, nor the future. Just imagine that you don’t breathe now, but attempt to survive on the air you breathe in the past, or the air you are about to inhale in the future. You cannot live that way, because you can…