In order to hold on to the apple, you must first open up you palm.
Let go, so that you can grasp.
“If you want to take something,
you must first allow it to be given.”Lao Tzu 36
In order to hold on to the apple, you must first open up you palm.
Let go, so that you can grasp.
“If you want to take something,
you must first allow it to be given.”Lao Tzu 36
Soon Teo is fascinated about the power of Tao and wants to share. In addition to writing about Tao and how it can be used to improve one's quality of life, he is also a practitioner of tai chi, qigong and meditation.
Tao is The Way, Not ‘Your Way’ There are many things that you can learn in Tao Te Ching, and these are three of them. First, staying detached. The first thing that you’d have to learn is to see yourself as part of the universe that you are in. You may wonder why I’m saying…
A simple way to tell whether you are the true boss is to ask yourself, “Do I have to tell my people that I’m the boss?” It is not difficult to be a boss in title. So long as you’re willing to pay for people to work for you, or be bestowed a position of…
Lao Tzu’s enduring soft power of influence If you want to lead the people, be part of the people. Only then that the people can identify with you — and you can establish an enduring influence on them. To be part of the people, you’d have to brunt your sharpness and untangle the knots, tone the glare and settle…
If you want to be free and powerful, learn to be water. Although soft and yielding, water can wear away the hardest rock in the world. Water is powerful because it does not resist. When there is no resistance, there is no draining of energy on frustration, depression or fierce fighting for the defense of…
The answer is clear: Tao Te Ching a book on leadership. In fact, I’d venture to say that it’s an authority on leadership. Although written more than 2000 years ago, its advice on how one can be a good leader is so vivid and relevant. The leadership style it advocates is one that is based on…
Effective technique that brings you mind clarity & saves you time How do you want to have such a clear mind that allows you to see things that other people cannot see? Put it simply: how can you enjoy the clairvoyance that is often associated with only men of wisdom? For centuries, people have attempted…