In order to hold on to the apple, you must first open up you palm.
Let go, so that you can grasp.
“If you want to take something,
you must first allow it to be given.”Lao Tzu 36
In order to hold on to the apple, you must first open up you palm.
Let go, so that you can grasp.
“If you want to take something,
you must first allow it to be given.”Lao Tzu 36
Soon Teo is fascinated about the power of Tao and wants to share. In addition to writing about Tao and how it can be used to improve one's quality of life, he is also a practitioner of tai chi, qigong and meditation.
Story of Singing Bowls – Tao Stories A man is on a quest to find a bowl of exquisite quality. It leads him to his venture into one of the most renowned porcelain shops in town. Equipped with a trick he has learned, he intends to employ it in his search. His method involves picking…
Who are the leaders in your life? Who do you follow? Is that your boss, your teachers, your parents, or someone holding political offices? These are the positions that carry the responsibilities of leadership, and the people who are holding the position should be leading. However, the true leaders in your life may be someone…
Set yourself free, the sky is your limit! Set yourself free so that you can unleash the best within you. We are often prisoner of our own mind – which dictates what we can or cannot do. By removing the walls of self-imposed confines, we can realize much of our hidden potential. How do you…
Embrace its abundance, even when you cannot explain what it is! Tao is powerful, but the concept is so elusive Lao Tzu had to begin the book Tao Te Ching by saying, “The Tao that can be described is not the eternal Tao.” So how are you going to benefit from Tao, when you don’t…
If the universe is an ocean of energy, then it is made up of two fundamental forces: the yin and the yang The yin is the energy that is passive and negative, and the yang one that is active and positive. They are in every existence of the universe, so they can be found everywhere…
A baby is totally at ease and gets the best from what the nature endows. Tao Te Ching constantly reminds us to go back to our root. One way to do so is to bring back the baby in you. Do you remember the ways you behaved when you were a baby? If you can’t,…