Once upon a time, a magnificent bird flew from the sea and landed in the countryside of a small kingdom. The bird was extraordinary, with its impressive size, breathtaking beauty, and elegant features. People were awestruck by its appearance and gave it the name “Sea Bird”. As word of the bird’s arrival spread, it eventually reached the King’s ears, and he immediately ordered that the bird be brought to the palace.

The king was utterly mesmerized by the Sea Bird. So he decided to bestow upon it all the royal treatment and grandeur that he himself enjoyed. The bird was given a luxurious abode in the temple of the palace, where the king’s finest musicians played enchanting melodies to soothe its soul. Additionally, the king’s most skilled chefs crafted delectable feasts fit for a monarch, hoping that the bird would savor with delight.

The Sea Bird, unfortunately, was not at all impressed. On the contrary, it was thoroughly confused. It was frightened by the sound and depressed by its captivity. Despite the King’s best effort, it refused to eat the fine meat and drink the vintage wine.

After three days, it died.

The King was devastated by the bird’s death. He had been so focused on showing off his wealth and power that he had failed to consider the bird’s needs and desires. He had assumed that the bird would be happy with the same luxuries that he enjoyed, but he had not taken the time to understand the bird’s true nature and habitat.

Without the king knowing, his intention, although good, is poisonous to the Sea Bird. The king did not know that the Sea Bird is happy only if it’s allowed to live its own nature.

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